Delay JavaScript
Delay JavaScript: Delaying the loading of JavaScript files until after the page has finished rendering can have several benefits for website performance and user experience. Some of these benefits include: Faster initial page load times: By delaying non-essential JavaScript files, your website can load more quickly, improving the initial user experience. Improved page responsiveness: By avoiding the execution of JavaScript code until after the page has rendered, the browser caFew readersInlining JavaScript
Inlining JS The main benefit of inlining JavaScript code directly into your HTML document is faster page loading times. By avoiding the need for a separate HTTP request for the JavaScript file, your website's pages can load more quickly, resulting in a better user experience. Additionally, inlining JavaScript can reduce the number of external files that need to be loaded, which can help reduce the number of network requests and improve website performance. Inlining JavaScript can also makeFew readers